Signature Down Pillow


Signature Down Pillow


Undisputed Luxury

Indulge in the finest quality duck down available.


Tailored Comfort

Choose your support level for the perfect sleep experience.


Luxury Standard

The best duck down on the market.

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A heavenly pillow. Our luxury pillows are made for those that demand the best products on the market. They achieve maximum loft by using high 550 fill-power white duckdown. The down is RDS certified to ensure that the down is sourced from humane facilities. The shell cover is made from a specialized temperature regulating natural cotton blend. Our pillows are hypoallergenic and we have various support levels so that you can optimize for your sleeping standard.  

  • Product Specification
    • Pattern: Quilted
    • Material: Cotton
    • Filling: Goose Down
    • Washing Method: Dry Clean Only