Made in USA
The Euclid Maple in Golden Oak, Walnut, Espresso and Cream Maple is manfuactured in North America, with local master carpenters.

Luxury Residential & Commercial
Our panels have been used in celebrity homes, country clubs, five-star hotels, offices including other applications.
Elevate your space today.

Golden Oak
These panels are most commonly used in: hallways, living rooms, games rooms, staircases, fireplaces, offices, waiting rooms, banquet halls & country clubs. They can be used anywhere to elevate your space.
Beware companies that sell large wall panels without backing! Wood cells absorb water easily - any moisture variations will cause any wood to move. The larger the panel, the more it will warp. We use a specially formulated plywood designed to prevent wood from warping and ripping off the wall.
Our stained wall panels are delivered via UPS or FedEx, and sometimes internationally through DHL.
These panels are very simple to install. In layman terms, they are simply being arranged right beside and on-top of each other, glued down with adhesive, and then secured to the wall with nails or brackets on the sides. We can guide your contractor to get the product installed appropriately.
Stain exposed to the air will eventually degrade over time - this is why old furniture often needs to be refinished. Our protective, non-glossy coating coating allows these panels to last decades.

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